Automobiles are a highly technical system consisting of thousands of components. They include the engine, chassis, wheels, transmission, and body. These vehicles are used to transport passengers and goods. They have become one of the most common forms of transportation in the modern world. Their significance in society is immense.
They have changed the way we think about transportation. They have also introduced new industries and created new jobs. Their rapid growth is due to the increasing numbers of vehicle owners and the increased demand for transportation. They are becoming the primary form of family transportation.
Initially, the automobile was a bicycle-like contraption. It was invented by Edward Butler in 1884. His three-wheeled machine had a horizontal single-cylinder gasoline engine with a drive chain to the rear wheel. The machine was an answer to the 19th century dream of a self-propelling carriage.
Automobiles have evolved from a simple system with wheels to a complex technical system with thousands of component parts. Their complexity is the result of their advanced technology. Their systems and technologies have been further enhanced by the competition between auto manufacturers throughout the world. This has helped them to divide the market into smaller segments. They are now able to offer their customers new designs and technological advancements on a frequent basis.
Automobiles can be divided into two major categories: passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The former accounts for the bulk of the sales and is driven by economic development. The latter is composed of light-duty vehicles, such as motorcycles and scooters. The main reason for the popularity of automobiles is their ability to accommodate a large number of people and cargo. They are also able to provide a high level of comfort for passengers.
As of 2012, the total number of automobiles worldwide is estimated at 1.4 billion. Approximately 70 million of these are passenger cars. The global market for passenger vehicles is dominated by the United States, where more than one-quarter of the sales take place. Other countries such as Japan, Korea, Germany, and France produce half the global number of passenger cars.
As of 2010, motorcycles in the U.S. were limited to 1.4 grams of hydrocarbons and nitric oxides per kilometer. The European Union, California, and other countries have imposed stricter limits on these gases.
Since the 1980s, the United States Environmental Protection Agency has regulated the emissions of the hydrocarbons and nitric oxides from motorcycles. In 2006, new models of motorcycles were required to emit no more than 12.0 grams of hydrocarbons and nitric dioxides per kilometer. In 2010, new models of automobiles were also required to produce no more than 0.8 grams of hydrocarbons and nitric acid per kilometer.
In addition to the increasing popularity of automobiles, their production has reached a record high. In 2012, automobile sales climbed to 1.43 million. Several factors contributed to this surge in sales, including pent-up demand following a massive flood in late 2011. The Asian economic crisis and low interest rates also played a part.