How to Write Newsworthy Articles


News is a brief report of current events or recent developments. It can be written in a variety of formats such as newsprint, magazines, newspapers and broadcasts (radio or television). News is also available online and through various social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

The selection and treatment of news items varies with the medium, audience and purpose. Some of the factors influencing these decisions include the audience’s perception of what is important and what is not, as well as the availability of resources to produce the news item. For example, an event occurring in a far-away place may not be newsworthy to readers if it can only be told with little detail, whereas a story about an event that is close to home and has the potential to affect the reader’s life is likely to attract attention.

To be newsworthy an event must be new, unusual, interesting and significant. It is also important that it involves people. Human interest stories are generally more attractive to the reader than those of purely business or sporting events. These stories often appeal to the reader’s feelings of empathy or brotherhood, creating a sense of connection with the subject matter.

In addition to these qualities, a story should be time-sensitive. This is because news articles are perceived as a perishable commodity with a short shelf-life, even if they are deemed to be of great importance.

When writing a news article, it is important to have a strong, engaging headline that will draw the reader’s attention and make them want to read more. A good headline should concisely explain the main point of the news article and be short enough to fit on the front page of a newspaper. It is also important to use the inverted pyramid style when writing news articles, putting the most important information at the top of the article. This will ensure that the reader gets the most important details first and is compelled to continue reading the article.

Finally, it is important to know your audience. This will dictate the tone and voice of your article. It will also help you decide how much to detail and what angle to take on the news item. Asking yourself the five W’s – who, where, what, when and why – will help you determine how to write your article.

It is also important to remember that the writer’s opinion should not be included in a news story unless it is necessary for the context of the article. Rather than offering your own opinion, try to source quotes from the people who are directly involved with the event or situation you are reporting on. This will provide the reader with a more balanced view of the event and will allow them to form their own opinions on what is happening. This will also give your article more credibility as it is not based on your own bias. However, if the subject is particularly controversial or emotive then it may be necessary to include your own views.

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Cape Town, South Africa